Goscurry is a hard game, where you must relax and follow the rhythm (except for speedfreak modes, where things go crazy). Try to reach as many cities as you can by piloting a ship on an infinite road, suspended over a stylized and surreal landscape, while taking sharp corners, evading hazards, and avoiding panic attacks.
Microsoft Dream.Build.Play 2017 Finalist (2nd place)

Platforms Steam (Win/Mac/Linux), Mobile + Switch TBA
Status Steam (Win/Mac/Linux) released, Mobile coming soon
Release Date Free version: April 2013, Humble Bundle: December 5 2013, Steam: January 16 2015
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Some reviews the pen the sword the axe

IndieGames.com - Konstantinos Dimopoulos

...Its pace, its toughness, its 3D visuals [...], its excellent controls and its taxing difficulty, make Goscurry a true modern arcade game that will frustrate and deeply reward you in equal measures...

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Nathan Grayson

...[Goscurry] is happiness in a tiny rocketship. [...] The controls are intoxicatingly responsive, there’s tons of embedded, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it humor, and the visuals are simple yet gorgeous...

Indie Statik - Chris Priestman

...Imbued with the right kind of pulse, a game can take you places: inside your mind, or even outside your body...

Credits whodunit

Daniele Giardini [Demigiant]
Concept, graphics, coding
Isak J Martinsson [Killmonday]

Switch + Windows Store + Mobile Port

Domenico Barbieri [GhostShark Games]
Davide Barbieri [GhostShark Games]
Armando Teora [GhostShark Games]

Cover Poster

Gaetano Leonardi [La Boîte]